Community Arts Fundraising with Booktix
Funding community theaters, local dance studios, and school drama clubs can be a challenge. Ticket sales and dance class fees aren’t enough to keep these organizations operating. Producers and studio owners have to look for other ways to raise money. BookTix has its roots in the theater, and our online ticketing system provides simple and effective community arts fundraising features.
Why Arts Organizations Choose BookTix

Going door to door for community arts fundraising is a thing of the past with BookTix. Our online ticketing system allows patrons to purchase tickets and make donations in a single transaction. You can opt to have a space for donations at the online checkout. All your patrons have to do is enter an amount and it is automatically added to the cost of their ticket purchase. The convenience and visual anonymity of online donations provide a judgment-free environment that encourages donations of all amounts.

People love T-shirts, mugs, tote bags, and other items promoting their favorite community theater production or dance studio. You might think with online ticket sales, you would have to wait until the night of your event to sell merchandise. That’s not the case with BookTix online ticketing system. In addition to purchasing tickets, patrons can buy event merchandise in the same transaction. This allows them to quickly pick up their merchandise at your event and avoid the long lines which could discourage a purchase. However, the ease of purchasing it along with their tickets can have you seeing an upswing in sales.

Paid Advertising
Online ticket sales also allow for the opportunity for community arts fundraising. Some patrons will check in at the door with our mobile app, but many still print out their tickets at home. With BookTix, you have the option to sell ad space to local businesses on print-at-home tickets. It is a cost-effective way for businesses to stay top of mind with their local audience while allowing your organization to increase the profit made on each ticket sold. Patrons may be more inclined to patronize a business that supports the arts in their community. Paid advertising is a win for both parties.

And Last But Not Least...
BookTix is virtually free to use. Your community-based organization can run a box office like the pros. As both producers and ticket buyers, we understand the challenges you face to present a quality production without breaking the budget. We developed BookTix with school and other community organizations in mind. Our entire team has roots in theatrical and music education and shares your passion for the Arts. Contact us today to schedule a demo and see how BookTix can help your organization.